transfer check

英 [trænsˈfɜː(r) tʃek] 美 [trænsˈfɜːr tʃek]

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  1. In the My Tasks widget, check the task again, then click Select action and Transfer.
  2. The-gm or-gs options are recommended if you want to transfer the saved image to another place and need to check image integrity when you restore the image.
  3. Select a query and click Tune to transfer the query to IBM Data Studio to format the query, analyze the access plan, or check whether statistics are current and optimal.
  4. Transfer the capital, should check capital by accounting institutes.
  5. Time: When the transfer time to reach the hot plate does not rise, shall check whether the contact valve is burned burned or timetable.
  6. Transfer, sorting out and check of payments to the approval documents;
  7. After dinner, transfer to hotel for check in.
  8. The image transfer was not completed. Please check that your device is connected properly.
  9. Temperature: When the temperature reaches transfer, the temperature control liquid crystal displays has been to the desired temperature, such as not warming up, check ① contactor is bad;
  10. The applications allow users to transfer money, trade stocks, pay bills and check balances anywhere in the world.
  11. Scripting for Transfer failed. Check log files.
  12. If you need a transfer, please put the liquid items you have bought onboard into this transparent plastic bag, keep it sealed and have the boarding pass ready when going through the security check.
  13. Wait a minute, please. I'll transfer your call to the Information. You should check the room number first.
  14. This will be by wire transfer, or check.
  15. A settlement may transfer the funds by using the check, promissory notes and credit vouchers from the special funds account.
  16. One moment please, I will transfer your call to the reception to check for you.
  17. The transfer of money by bank check is very common today.
  18. If you open a demand account with our bank, you may transfer funds by issuing a check.
  19. Check fund transfer of bank bills issued by principal bank; promptly check accounts with principal bank;
  20. Telephone banking allows customers to perform electronic funds transfer transactions ( also known as EFT), check balances and pay bills?
  21. Study on Arbitrary Carry Numeration System Data Transfer and Check Method
  22. The research into influence of heat transfer model on the key check parameters for coking furnace
  23. Methods Establish the system of belong to administration, regular spot check over records of diagnosis and report, hospitalized cases registration and observe situation of failed to report, definite diagnosis, succeeded transfer diagnosis and remaining patients through investigation and check on epidemic situation cards.
  24. Region partition was introduced in the transfer algorithm. After the check of relevant data consistency and the comparison of regions, dynamic adjustment could be done.
  25. By time domain step response experimental modeling method and frequency domain response experimental modeling method, approximate coarse transfer function is constructed, check analysis is carried out in Matlab environment.
  26. By analyze the project feature, the new operation location feature and the Transfer requirement to sum up how to improve the project and the check point need special attention during the transfer process.
  27. The policy of hi-tech transfer restriction to Soviet Union and China can check the development of hi-tech in Soviet Union and China and also guarantee the security of the country, which is in accord with the national interest.
  28. Open-channel water diversion system in the water transfer project is an extremely complicated system which is made up of a long distance main canal and several check gates and diversion sluices and so on.
  29. It is defined as the Funds Transfer after the customer ( including the bank) forwarding payment order to the computer network system supplied by the bank through electronic currency ( including bank cards, digital currency, internet currency and electronic check).